Just Me

Writing, I’d been told, was a waste of time and I needed to focus on – school, my family, raising children, and a career. I coped the only way I knew how… and read, and read, and read some more. Reading has been my coping mechanism for just about every rough spot throughout my life. It also happened to be an extremely effective way to hush the voices trying to tell me their stories. Whenever my muse spoke… I told it to hush, fed it a book, told it to watch television, or sent it to bed without a snack.

Eventually my muse found a way to be seen, if not heard. Photography, it turns out was acceptable… but only as a hobby. I have lovely pictures of my family. 🙂

Things have changed, a once overwhelming tide of influence has been purged from my life. I am surrounded by wonderful children, and a fantastic man who supports my writing. And the freedom to give it my best shot. I am writing my first book, M/M Romance – it’s a scary, nerve wrecking experience – and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I am learning so much, and meeting some amazing people along the way. I’m getting comfortable in my own skin, learning what it means to be me.

6 thoughts on “Just Me”

  1. Nope, no writing is a waste of time. In fact, for most of us, it’s a life saver. We DO really have characters in our heads and we DO have to release them. And once you start, you just can’t seem to ever stop. **HUGS** And keep on going, writer woman!

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