Where I Rationalize My Crush on Seth Fornea ♥… sorta

Hi, my name is Jayden and I have a massive crush on Seth Fornea. I’ve thought about the why’s and I think I’ve figured it out. I’m a ginger… and when I was growing up… it was not thought upon as a positive. The Mexican side of the family thought my coloring was ugly and it really shaped how I viewed myself… until I got boobs. Ahem, the power of red hair and boobs. *sigh* Pardon me while I recall my hot chica days.

Anyway, my point is that it’s wonderful for me to see how ginger coloring is now widely thought upon as a point of favor. Don’t get me wrong, I’m as shallow as the next person when I’m lusting after Seth, *swoon* The man is quite simply divine. But when I look at him, once I get past objectifying his hot bod, I feel a sense of comfort. He soothes little girl Jayden – Red headed step-child extraordinaire.

I recently read an article on how Ginger coloring is being bred out of society, and it made me incredibly sad. The freckles, red hair and blue eyes… I’m being slowly fazed out of existence. Obsolete? Noooo! The man in question made a comment about how when women are selecting prospective mates to procreate with – they tend to avoid ginger colored males as they don’t want to perpetuate the gene. He’d even had women tell him this. Really? Can I bitch slap someone? You look at this man and don’t think, “I want your babies!” No accounting for taste or class. Well, I am proud to announce that I made a beautiful ginger darling, (sadly, without Seth’s assistance) who will hopefully one day, beget another (in the far, far distant future).

This lovely creature is coming to my Chicago, he will be within viewing distance, and dancing at Market Days – where I have plans to attend. Omygerd! Heart palpitations. I doubt I’ll get a chance to hit the venue where he’ll be live and in the flesh… I doubt my suburban Nana vibe would get me past the bouncers. *hangs head* But I will certainly be watching for him and Jared – hopefully I’ll get lucky, and they’ll be strolling hand and hand down the six block stretch of North Halsted Street. ♥

You can find Seth on FB:https://www.facebook.com/SethFornea1

You can find Seth on Tumblr: http://sethfornea.tumblr.com/

The Broken Series by Kol Anderson

Five Star Rating Clip Art

The Broken Series by Kol Anderson

PrisonerThese two books are not sweet and fuzzy romance. This is dark erotica, heavy BDSM, Torment. It’s been a while since I’ve read this type of book – mostly because they became predictable. They were too dark, you never felt a connection with the villain/s or the torture was so unrelenting that all glimmer of hope was extinguished. You were left no reason to continue caring.

So these books had me breaking all sorts of rules. I got the first book, The Prisoner, and took a peek, I was just going to read a few paragraphs to get a sense of the authors style… next thing I know it’s 3 am – and I’m scrambling to find the next episode. THIS IS A SERIES! I grab book two, Hell and Beyond and read straight through to dawn. And I’m pris2chomping at the bit for more.

This author is completely new to me and I found his writing style gritty and evocative and erotic and amazing. He isn’t dabbling in BDSM… the man know’s the psychological triggers behind it, and shows it in all its disturbing splendor.

Every time I’m certain I have a fix on who’s pulling the strings or how much I loathe Vince… I find myself hesitating with my final judgement. On one hand the torture is unrelenting, but you’d get a glimpse, an insight to keep you plodding along… hoping. It’s beautiful, how the writer’s lured me into feeling stirrings of sympathy and empathy for Vince.

Aaron… oh Aaron. I can only imagine how easy it would have been to give in and write Aaron as weak and mindless. Not done here. His inner dialogue… fantastic.

I can say, without hesitation that I highly recommend these books to those who are prepared for the dark content. Rape/Non-Con/Torture

Amazon Purchase Link: http://www.amazon.com/The-Prisoner-BROKEN-ebook/dp/B00DAI2Z6Q/ref=cm_pdp_rev_itm_img_2

Amazon Purchase Link: http://www.amazon.com/Hell-and-Beyond-Broken-ebook/dp/B00DW9PVTG/ref=cm_pdp_rev_itm_img_1

Cowboy Waltz by Cameron Dane

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I love Cameron Dane, I’m a huge fan. I have read every book I could get my hands on and devoured and cherished them all.

The pacing was perfect. We meet Booker at 19 and he spends the next four years growing up. We see bits and pieces of Booker as he matures and struggles to hide his feelings for Jed. I think this was handled beautifully. Jed beginning to feel tingles of awareness of Booker was also lovely and exciting.

I don’t usually dissect a book when I review, but this one has me trying to identify why I didn’t fall head over heels for this book. I love angsty reads, if it makes me cry my tush off then it’s practically a shoe in for my comfort food shelf. This book made me cry, ugly cries – a few times! Buuuut… *shrugs* I get that Jed had to face some really tough truths about himself – that would knock anyone on their ass. I agree everyone reacts differently to scary shit. Yet I had a hard time with how Jed went from alpha strong guy to needy and tragic. I got tired of the storm/black clouds metaphor and wanted to shake Jed and tell him to get a grip, and pull up his big boy pants. Which is awful, cause I’m normally the most sympathetic person you’ll meet.

Booker though, gosh, I think I’m in love with him. To watch him grow and mature, handle some tough kicks and to keep going after Jed, his love – was wonderful. He learned to be strong when Jed could not, he tried to always put what was best for Jed first – even when he didn’t have enough experience to know the right course. There is nothing sexier than watching someone do what needs to be done, even when it hurts. In the end love does conquer all and I loved the rock solid HEA.


“Likes”… The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

Writing is a lonely endeavor. Sure, in your head it’s going to be a daily rush of thrills, your imagination given free rein to explore endless possibilities. The reality… meh – nobody in your real life orbit understands what you’re thinking, why you’re cranky, why you’re near tears struggling to get your story on the page. Eventually I decided, I needed to talk to people who understood how my mind worked.

Since I’m a proactive kinda gal – I turned to social media, Facebook in particular, to meet fellow authors, especially those who write in the genre I love. It was a wonderful and exciting time – adding friends, reading their posts, commenting… clicking that little like button. Instant gratification at its finest – I was in love.

Buuuut, and it’s a huge but, it’s easy get lost in the shuffle. And really, it makes total sense… I’m not that interesting. Nope, that’s not me being self depreciating – it’s the honest to goodness truth. Yet I wanted to get noticed by the cool kids on the playground, so I scrolled the feed, liked posts, commented, tried to be funny or witty or wry or interesting… and sometimes I came across like a giant jackass. *shrugs* No helping it, since I’m incredibly shy – I can be a giant dweeb when I try too hard – but when you really get to know me… I’m pretty awesome. 😛 *wink*

Here’s where the “like” comes into play. I seriously went through a sort of bizarre depression due to Facebook. Or rather, due to my own special brand of obsessive compulsive disorder. I needed validation, constant positive feedback. The likes became a lifeline to the world outside my office. When the likes and comments stopped coming my way, due to my jackassedness – I felt isolated, ignored, more lonely than ever before. I had a hard time identifying with anything outside Facebook. It was awful, and I came close to tossing in the towel on the whole shebang over it.

Somehow, I got lucky and stumbled into an amazing group of friends. Kind, nonjudgmental and gracious friends who I will always cherish. They allowed me the time to get past my awkwardness, find my footing, and figure out that it was okay to just be me. I didn’t have to do anything for their friendship, beyond being a friend in return. They have taught me so much, and I can’t ever express how grateful I am without sounding like an overemotional sap.

When I scroll through the feed and I see anyone hurting or lonely or asking for help… I always stop, and respond, and make sure to give them a little extra love and attention. In a way I’m paying the kindness forward, but not really, because I gain so much by doing it. I’ve met more amazing people. Who were just like me and needed someone to hear them. Next time you’re scrolling through your feed, look closer – because you may be missing someone awesome.

Parting Shot by Mary Calmes

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Parting Shot by Mary Calmes eBook

I’m not going to do this book any justice, but I wanted to share what I thought after reading it. A-Ma-ZING!! Okay, sure, I’m a huge Mary Calmes fan – no apologies. She’s an auto-buy for me – I don’t even have to read the blurb to know I’m gonna buy it. But this one… I was waiting for it, yearning for it, and it was worth every second.

This is the last book in the A Matter of Time series. *Sobs* But if you are a die hard fan, like I am (Hint: Acrobat and Mine), you’ll see she ends a series, intersects books – and gives you a sneaky gift at the same time! Woot!

Aaron and Duncan are an amazing pairing. I never would have expected it to work the way it did. I adore them. And before you even begin to wonder – NO… Jory is not here. Anywhere! He’s mentioned a few times, but that’s it folks. He stayed home and this is all about Aaron and Duncan – finding their way out of the closet, through some bad guys, and falling in love. If you’re like me, you love how she writes possessive, territorial, alpha males – Mary delivered the goods once again. Tummy tingling yummy! The nookie scenes were out of this world good. *fans self* The HEA was fantastic. This book is heading straight to my comfort food shelf. Highly Recommended.



Stockholm Syndrome — Total-E-Bound Erotic Romance Ebooks

Stockholm Syndrome — Total-E-Bound Erotic Romance Ebooks.

Fantastic book!

Another book by Sage Marlowe filled with complex, characters who don’t do what you’d expect. Fantastic. I was uncertain the entire way how this was going to play out, the author and his characters kept me guessing. I was ready to throttle Bryan and wanted to have a frank discussion with Dan – giving him lots of cuddles. Highly recommended.

Just Me

Writing, I’d been told, was a waste of time and I needed to focus on – school, my family, raising children, and a career. I coped the only way I knew how… and read, and read, and read some more. Reading has been my coping mechanism for just about every rough spot throughout my life. It also happened to be an extremely effective way to hush the voices trying to tell me their stories. Whenever my muse spoke… I told it to hush, fed it a book, told it to watch television, or sent it to bed without a snack.

Eventually my muse found a way to be seen, if not heard. Photography, it turns out was acceptable… but only as a hobby. I have lovely pictures of my family. 🙂

Things have changed, a once overwhelming tide of influence has been purged from my life. I am surrounded by wonderful children, and a fantastic man who supports my writing. And the freedom to give it my best shot. I am writing my first book, M/M Romance – it’s a scary, nerve wrecking experience – and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I am learning so much, and meeting some amazing people along the way. I’m getting comfortable in my own skin, learning what it means to be me.